Why chose Benchmark for your EPOS System..?
We know what we're doing...
For over 45 years, Benchmark has been writing Accounting, Payroll, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and EPOS software with one simple aim – to help you to do business better. From our first accounts package in 1979 to our latest Trade Counter EPOS systems, we provide a wide range of flexible, robust and intuitive programs that work the way you do.
We understand your business...
Running a Trade Counter is tough enough already without clumsy and complicated software making life harder. Benchmark's EPOS system helps you to manage your sales and stock, stay on top of costs and keep the taxman happy. We've been working closely with trade counters to make sure our software does exactly what you need.
We take the risk out of buying new software...
Wouldn’t it be nice to be 100% certain that you were making the right choice before you had to pay for it? If you think Benchmark's EPOS system is what your looking for, we'll set you up with a full version of our software, including your own data, so you can see exactly how it will work for your business. We'll give you demo, explain the key features and then leave you to ‘play’ with it for as long as you need; all before you pay a penny.
We can solve your problems
We have been helping businesses to grow for nearly 4 decades. Our experience, along with our range of business software packages has made a real difference to companies just like yours.
We can help you to manage and automate processes, improve efficiency and provide the information you need.
In turn this will take the pressure off you, reduce your workload and let you focus on new opportunities, continued growth and keeping your customers happy.